Not just real storefronts, but take-out only, ghost kitchens, and other business formats of today are supported. You can review daily analysis reports on spending and revenue for each store, the type of business, and the area as well. You can check a store’s performance at anytime with your tablet, smartphone, or other devices, including PCs in the management department. Instantly grasp the current situation of a store, such as budget comparisons, ABC analysis, labor cost analysis, and other details, with graphs and tables right from the dashboard. You can also link vending machines and mobile order services in addition to POS terminals and other cloud services with this widely open information platform.
Rather than just offshore development, we also strongly support advancing systems, through building applications, in software companies and other businesses within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a region with abundant IT human resources. The parameters are defined in Japan, while actual development takes place within Asia. In turn, this allows us to bring forth a way of ensuring progress management and quality control.